Jim is 73 and lives alone in a subsidized apartment. Making ends meet is a struggle on his limited income. He has relied on his local food bank from time to time in the past, especially when faced with unexpected expenses, like when he needed to save for a new medical device or buy a pair of winter boots.
Recently, Jim’s mobility has decreased significantly, making it next to impossible for him to travel to the food bank and get heavy bags of food back home. Thankfully, Jim was able to rely on the Community Health Centres of Northumberland to deliver food straight to his door — a service made possible through a Food Banks Canada Emergency Food Security Fund grant.
“The biweekly food drop off has been a tremendous help. The box is placed on his scooter so he can wheel it right into the kitchen to unload,” says a volunteer at Community Health Centres. “Jim says he loves to see the friendly faces of the delivery team and knows they take extra care to ensure his bread is whole wheat!”